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Five Ways to Economy-Proof Your Enrollment

by Julie Wassom
March/April 2012
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/five-ways-to-economy-proof-your-enrollment/5020408/

When customers are facing job loss or tighter budgets, prospects are attempting to negotiate tuition fees, and subsidies are being cut, smart child care managers are studying the essential moves directors must take to increase and retain enrollment despite the volatile economy. Instead of using a tough economy as a reason enrollment drops, they simply sharpen their focus, fuel their creativity, and become keenly observant and responsive.

No longer can success in early care and education depend solely on providing high-quality services parents view as excellent experiences for young children delivered by competent staff in a safe environment. Though all of this is important, sustainable success depends upon securing and retaining the maximum enrollment possible, despite a struggling economy. Without the revenue that enrollment generates, even the best child care managers find it extremely challenging to provide the level of program, services, and staff they need to support the quality they profess.

These five essential moves for generating inquiries and converting enrollments will help ensure that you reach your enrollment goals, succeed in maximizing your capacity utilization, and gain the financial freedom to provide the highest
quality early education and care possible, no matter what the economy is doing.

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