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Child Care Centers and the Cloud

by Michael Conell and Nicholas Bartolozzi
March/April 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/child-care-centers-and-the-cloud/5025230/

*Tables can be found in the pdf version of this article.

Small business child care centers are ideal candidates to leverage the computing power that cloud technology solutions can provide toward becoming more competitive in their field. “The cloud” can be an ambiguous term that may confuse many non-technical businesses. This thinking can often deter them from taking advantage of this technology. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is one of three service models that cloud computing technology provides and this article will focus on the advantages and how proper implementation can produce astounding results. 

Child care centers can use this technology to enhance their marketing strategy and more efficiently manage routine administration, staff training and communication. The many advantages sound enticing, but child care centers should have a sound implementation plan based on their business vision. This will ensure a smooth transition to implementing a SaaS solution. A guide to properly plan, execute and sustain a cloud strategy will be explained. Furthermore, we will share a proven success story of SaaS implementation at a child care center in Falls Church, Virginia.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

According to Forrester Research, the growth of the cloud computing industry is estimated to increase from $40.7B in 2011 to $159B in ...

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