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Stress-Less Fundraising

by Dawn Marie Barhyte
March/April 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/stress-less-fundraising/5025244/

Child care centers aim to have cutting-edge programs that entice working parents. In order to have the money to do more, and thus be more desirable, directors are often faced with a decision to either charge higher fees or implement fundraising programs. Today, many child care centers turn to fundraising because they need supplemental funds to develop new programs, purchase state of the art equipment and underwrite extras such as field trips.

Directors need to find the right fit to connect with their community. There are so many ways to raise money, and with so many approaches to explore, fundraising can feel intimidating. Although fundraising can be time consuming and stressful, with practice, you can carry out successful fundraising campaigns that will help your organization grow and maintain its financial health. Before you get started, consider these factors as you develop your annual fundraising plan.

Blueprint for Success

First, involve everyone in your program; staff, families and your board of directors, if applicable, need to be involved. If they are part of the planning and decision making they will be more committed to its success. Select a fundraiser that your volunteers want to do and actively support. Then, together, identify what you are fundraising ...

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